Files as a source of training data

rain your Botgenuity chatbot with ease using files in multiple formats. Quick, efficient learning for smarter, more responsive AI interactions.


Welcome to the Botgenuity chatbot training module. As you seek to enhance the capabilities of your chatbot, one of the most effective methods is to train it using a diverse range of textual content. This documentation will guide you through the process of training your Botgenuity chatbot by uploading files that contain valuable data for your chatbot to learn from.

The training process is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to easily upload documents that your chatbot will analyze and use to refine its understanding of language, context, and user inquiries. By feeding it with relevant information, you are enabling your chatbot to deliver more accurate and helpful responses, leading to a better experience for the end-users.

In the following sections, we will cover how to access the training form, prepare your files for upload, and monitor the progress of your chatbot's training. We will also provide you with best practices for selecting training files and troubleshooting common issues that may arise during the process.

Whether you are looking to train your chatbot on specific topics, industry-specific language, or general conversational skills, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to successfully train your Botgenuity chatbot using files. Let's get started on the path to creating a more intelligent and responsive chatbot.

Accessing the Training Form

Training your Botgenuity chatbot using files requires accessing the training form on the Botgenuity platform. Follow these steps to navigate to the form and begin the training process:

  1. Log In to Your Botgenuity Account: Start by logging into your Botgenuity account with your credentials to enter your main workspace.

  2. Select the Chatbot to Train: In your workspace, you will see an overview of your chatbots. Identify and select the chatbot you intend to train by clicking on its name.

  3. Navigate to the Training Section: With your chatbot selected, look to the sidebar on the left side of your workspace. Click on the "Sources" menu to unfold it and reveal the training options.

  4. Select "Files": From the "Sources" submenu, locate and select the "Files" option. This will direct you to the file training area within the platform.

  5. Familiarize Yourself with the Training Form Interface: Upon entering the "Files" section, the training form will be displayed, featuring a dropzone for file uploads. This is the interactive area where you will upload the documents that your chatbot will use for training.

The layout of the training form is straightforward, facilitating a seamless process for uploading your training files and managing your chatbot's learning. The subsequent sections will guide you through preparing your files for upload, including details on supported file types and upload limitations, to ensure that your chatbot's training is effective and efficient.

Preparing Your Files for Upload

Before you can start training your Botgenuity chatbot, it's important to prepare your files correctly to ensure a smooth and successful upload process. Here are the steps and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Select Appropriate Files: Choose files that contain relevant content you want your chatbot to learn. The quality and relevance of the training material directly impact the chatbot's performance.

  2. Check File Formats: Ensure that your documents are in one of the supported file formats. Botgenuity chatbots can be trained with files in the following formats:

    • PDF (.pdf)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
    • Plain Text (.txt)
    • Markdown (.md)

    More file formats will be supported in the future.

  3. File Size and Quantity Limitations: Each file you intend to upload must be less than 10 MB in size. Additionally, you can upload a maximum of 10 files at one time. If you have more files or larger files, you will need to upload them in separate batches or reduce their size before uploading.

  4. Organize Your Files: Arrange your files in a way that makes them easy to select and upload. You might want to create a dedicated folder on your computer for chatbot training files to streamline the process.

  5. Review and Edit Content: Before uploading, it's a good practice to review your files for accuracy, clarity, and formatting. This helps to ensure that the chatbot learns from clean and well-structured data.

  6. Remove Sensitive Information: If your documents contain sensitive or confidential information, redact or remove these details before uploading the files for training.

By following these steps, you can prepare your files effectively for the Botgenuity chatbot training process. Proper preparation not only helps in avoiding technical issues during the upload but also contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the chatbot's learning from the provided materials.

Uploading Files for Training

Once your files are properly prepared, the next step is to upload them to the Botgenuity platform for training. Here's how to do it:

  1. Access the Training Form: If you haven't already, navigate to the "Files" section within the "Sources" menu of your workspace. This will bring you to the training form with the dropzone for file uploads.

  2. Using the Dropzone: The dropzone is a user-friendly feature that allows for easy file uploads. You can either drag and drop your prepared files directly into the marked area or click on the dropzone to open a file browser and manually select files from your computer.

  3. Initiating Upload: Once you have placed your files into the dropzone or selected them through the file browser, the upload process will start automatically. There is no need to press an additional 'Upload' button, making the process efficient and straightforward.

  4. File Validation: The system will automatically check each file to ensure it meets the format and size requirements. If a file does not meet the criteria, you will receive an error message, and that file will not be included in the training process.

  5. Monitoring Upload Progress: You can monitor the progress of the file uploads in real-time. The interface will show the status of each file as it is being uploaded to the platform.

  6. Automatic Training Initiation: Once the files are successfully uploaded, the training process will begin automatically. The Botgenuity platform uses the content of your files to train the chatbot, improving its ability to understand and respond to user queries.

  7. Training Completion: After the training has started, you can leave the page if necessary. The training will continue in the background, and you will be able to check the status of the training at any time by returning to the "Files" section.

By following these steps, you can easily upload your files and start training your Botgenuity chatbot. The platform's automated features are designed to make the training process as seamless as possible, allowing you to focus on other tasks while your chatbot becomes more knowledgeable and effective.

Monitoring Training Progress

After your files have been uploaded and the training process has begun, it's important to monitor the progress to ensure that everything is proceeding smoothly. Botgenuity provides a convenient way to track the status of each training job. Here's how you can keep an eye on your chatbot's training:

  1. Training Job Table: Below the file upload dropzone in the "Files" section, you'll find a table that lists all the training jobs you've initiated. This table is your primary tool for monitoring the progress of your chatbot's training.

  2. Understanding Job Statuses: Each entry in the training job table will display a status indicating the current phase of that particular training session. The statuses you might see include:

    • Pending: The job is in the queue and waiting to be processed.
    • Processing: The training is currently underway. The chatbot is analyzing and learning from the uploaded files.
    • Completed: The training has finished successfully, and the chatbot has incorporated the new knowledge.
    • Error: There was an issue with the training job. This status will often be accompanied by an error message explaining the problem.
  3. Job Details: For more information about a specific training job, you may be able to click on the job entry to view details such as the start time, duration, and any messages related to the job's status.

  4. Refresh for Updates: The training job table may automatically refresh to update the statuses. However, if you want the most current information, you can manually refresh the page or use any provided refresh button within the platform.

  5. Handling Errors: If a training job status shows "Error," review the error message for clues on what went wrong. Common issues might include file format errors, network problems, or content that the chatbot cannot process. Depending on the error, you may need to modify your files and re-upload them or contact support for assistance.

  6. Notification Settings: Check if the platform offers notifications for training job completions or errors. Enabling these notifications can keep you informed without the need to constantly check the training job table.

  7. Time Expectations: Training times can vary depending on the size and complexity of the uploaded files. Be prepared for the process to take some time, especially if you've uploaded multiple large files.

By monitoring the training progress, you can ensure that your Botgenuity chatbot is learning effectively from the files you've provided. If any issues arise, you'll be able to address them promptly to maintain the quality and efficiency of your chatbot's training.


Training your Botgenuity chatbot with files is a powerful way to enhance its understanding and responsiveness to user queries. By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you can prepare, upload, and monitor the training materials that will shape your chatbot's knowledge base and capabilities.

To recap, we've covered the importance of preparing your files with the correct formats and content, the straightforward process of uploading these files to the Botgenuity platform, and the methods for tracking the progress of your chatbot's training. With these guidelines, you're well-equipped to ensure that your chatbot receives the best possible training.

Remember to select high-quality and relevant training files, adhere to the file format and size limitations, and keep an eye on the training progress through the status updates. Should you encounter any errors or issues, refer to the troubleshooting tips provided or reach out to Botgenuity's support team for assistance.

By investing time in training your chatbot, you're not only improving the user experience but also setting the foundation for more advanced interactions and functionalities that your chatbot can offer. We encourage you to explore the full potential of your Botgenuity chatbot and take advantage of the continuous learning opportunities that the platform provides.